The art of laundry & food

It's good to be moving back into my studio space and getting things moving again. It's been great travelling in Italy, but with family and holidays there wasn't much time to sketch or ruminate about my impressions. I noticed the light, it was the first thing I noticed the day after we arrived and took a walk in the countryside. The light is so particular to Italy, or maybe it's because of the colour of the houses, all ochre and pastels that harmonise so well with the landscape. The fruit stands are full of local colour and the fruit and veg was so delicious! And there is something amazing about laundry in Italy, The Art of Laundry I thought would be a great title for a book or series of images from Italy. There is something so beautiful about the laundry lines hung up in little alley ways, along the river in the countryside, something about the light and the movement in the breeze.


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